Sunday, January 20, 2008
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Evidence for Creation: God, Truth, Nature, Science, Scripture
Resources for Students, Parents, Teachers, Leaders, Pastors, Scientists
Free magazines Acts & Facts, Days of Praise
Online Bible with Hebrew and Greek definitions from Strong’s Concordance, and study notes from the Defender's Study Bible by ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris)
Christ-Centered Preaching: Preparation and Delivery of Sermons, by Dr. Bryan Chapell (Free registration is required before you can download Dr. Chapell’s PDF and MP3 files.)
Independent Fundamental Baptist Sermons (mp3; with Fundamental Christian Radio Broadcasts, Off-Site Audio Page and The Christian Radio Tuner) (2800+ alliterated expository text sermons by independent Baptists)
Audio sermons from independent Baptist churches (USA)
Classic Sermons from Great Preachers of the Past (George Whitefield, John A. Broadus, Alexander Maclaren, Charles H. Spurgeon, T. Dewitt Talmage, B. H. Carroll, Lee Roberson, J. Wilbur Chapman, Billy Sunday, R. G. Lee)Sermons with a Distinctive Baptist Flavor with Bible Lessons and Studies (text and audio), from Carmichael Baptist Church, California, USA (Reformed); audio portions of sermons also available (over 257,590 free MP3 audio sermons on every book of the Bible, and with Online Bible Search and Online Hymn Search;also available in Arabic, Korean, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Hungarian, French, Khmer, Japanese, Hebrew, Czech, Persian, Zulu, Romanian)
Sermon Index: Classical vintage preaching and the promotion of genuine Biblical revival to this generation; 15,000+ audio sermons for free download (Leonard Ravenhill, A.W. Tozer, Zac Poonen, etc); 20,000+ text sermons (F.B.Meyer, Thomas Brooks, Robert Murray MCheyne, etc); and over 1,000 vintage video sermons, world’s largest sermon library online with over 225,000 sermons (watch live, on-demand, download on the go) archived from over 14,000 churches; search for Baptist churches, Channel Directory, Directory List View, Live Broadcasts
Sermon Helps by Mike Mislan (missionary to the Philippines): Sermon Outlines; Sunday School Outlines; Sermon Construction Helps; Featured Sermons
Teaching messages, Gospel messages and Bible Studies by Ptr. Denis Lyle, Lurgan Baptist Church, Northern Ireland
600+ sermons: series, topical, Gospel and video; index of topics (from by David Legge, Northern Ireland)
Theological Compositions, by Thomas Ross
Independent Baptist Institute, by Dr. Dan Botterbrodt (mp3 sermons and PDF resources on Baptist history, church planting, ethics, dispensationalism, series on Romans, Revelation, Proverbs)
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Sermon illustrations (from A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (over 20,000 illustrations, anecdotes, stories, jokes, sayings, maxims, and quotations on more than 2,000 topics): A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z; Chemical Illustrations, Object Illustrations, Children Stories (sermons, articles, devotions, outlines and topical sermons index)
Thru the Bible Radio with Dr. J. Vernon McGee (online bookstore; free downloads; study guides for each book of the Bible; poems and quotes; Bible FAQs)The Great Doctrines of the Bible, by William Evans (God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Man, Salvation, Church, Scriptures, Angels, Satan, Last Things); download zipped e-book
Maranatha Baptist Bible College Sermon Library (mp3); subscribe to Sermon Podcast
“In the Nick of Time” archives, by Dr. Kevin T. Bauder (Central Baptist Theological Seminary)
IFB Host (Baptist Web Search; filtered Google search) Bible Master (Your Bible Resource Center: Find a Bible Passage; Look Into a Bible Study; Kick off a Q & A. Please read its doctrinal statement before availing of its services) (Top Baptist websites and resources)Baptistology (Baptist search engine; use the search box below)
Christian Answers Network Web Bible Online (Annotated, cross-referenced, red-letter Bible online; word definitions; encyclopedia; answers to thousands of Bible questions; Bible reading plans, devotionals, quizzes and games; Greek and Hebrew tools; audio Bibles, etc.)Blue Letter Bible words or phrase search and FaithTalk (The largest Christian streaming website, providing Christian audio and video content online) Got Questions Answered (148,929 Bible Questions Answered; this website is also available in Afrikaans, Arabic, Bengali, Cebuano, Chinese- Simplified, Chinese – Traditional, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Malaysian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese, Zulu, and 70 other languages)
BiblePro for Windows online (43 Bibles; 250,000 commentaries; 1,750,000 references; also available as free download or CD)
Bible Explorer 4.0 (free download of over 200 free Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, and more)
Faith Comes By, free audio Bibles downloads in over 336 languages reaching more than 4.5 billion people in more than 98 countries
Find A Bible (most comprehensive and current database of Bibles and portions in more than 3,000 majority and minority languages available); Choose language: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (free discipleship Bible study lessons; maximizing spiritual growth for Christians)
Church Planting Village: Free One-Stop Shop for Church Planting resources; available in Spanish, Korean, French, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Vietnamese, Portuguese (NAMB/SBC)
Church planting sermons by Dr. Dan Botterbrodt, Independent Baptist Institute: Origin of the First Church; The Lord’s Commission Matthew 28:18-20; The Master Church Planter, 1 Peter 2:21-24; The Master Church Planter 2, 1 Peter 2:21-24; Church Planting Movement 1, Acts 9:31; Church Planting Movement 2, Acts 5-8; Church Planting Movement 3, Acts 8-13; Church Planting Movement 4, Acts 9-20
Probe Ministries (Engaging the Culture, Current Issues, Cults and World Religions, Faith and Culture, Faith and Politics, Faith and Science, Faith and Sexuality)
9 Marks (helping local church pastors and leaders in expositional preaching, theology, evangelism, membership, church discipline, discipleship and growth, and leadership; Reformed, SBC-affiliated ministry)
Leadership Qualities by Ken Boa (accountability, communicating vision, conflict management, decision making, humility, integrity, obedience to God, purpose and passion, team building, and others)
The Power of Integrity in Preaching, free e-book download by Dean Shriver, founding pastor of Intermountain Baptist Church, Salt Lake City, Utah (the power of Christ in the preaching of God’s Word with chapters on humility, fidelity to God’s Word, purity of life and mind, spiritual disciplines and expository preaching; 121 pages)
The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood (free resources like articles, journal articles, sermons, book reviews, conference audio, online books, questions and answers, evangelical feminism and Biblical truth; with multi-lingual resources in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish)
Baptist Bible Tribune (magazine of Baptist Bible Fellowship; archives)
Way of Life Literature, by David Cloud
Midnight Call (The International Voice of Prophecy); online magazines available in PDF
Biblical counseling resources; Counseling Solutions
Effective Church Communication (online, multi-media and print tools and resources)
Online Hymnal (lyrics, mp3 and histories; search by title, phrase, author, and Bible reference)
Scripture Difficulties, from Blue Letter Bible
Bible Difficulties, from Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry: Genesis - Deuteronomy; Joshua - Esther; Job - Song of Solomon; Isaiah - Malachi; Matthew - Mark; Luke, John, and Acts; Romans - Philemon; Hebrews - Revelation
Answers from the Evidence Bible (from The Way of The Master) How to Witness to Specific Groups of People; Points for Open Air; Preaching; Springboards; In-Depth Comments; Common Questions and Objections like Abortion; Archeology & History; Bible; Buddhism; Closing Words of Comfort; Death; Evolution; Gospel; Hinduism; Islam; Jehovah's Witnesses; Jesus Christ; Love; Mormonism; Muslim; Panic Attacks; Pornography; Prayer; Quotes; Resurrection; Sabbath; Salvation; ScienceLearn the Bible, from Antioch Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tennessee (Type: Articles, Audio-Video, College Outlines, Sermon Outlines, Sunday School Outlines, Questions & Answers, Quotes & Devotionals;Topic: Christian Living, Creation Science, Geography, History, Manners & Customs, Typology; Interest: Bible Students, Children, Family & Parenting, Ladies, New Believer, Preacher, Skeptic/Non-Believer, Teacher, Youth/Teens; Doctrine Creation, God, Redemption, Revelation; Learn The Bible University, free online Bible College)
Preachers of the Past (You can hear and watch John the Beloved, Apostle Paul, C.H. Spurgeon, Hudson Taylor, or D.L. Moody as played by Doug Whitley. Each character is portrayed in period costume and make-up and every presentation has a strong Gospel message and challenge to personal Christian growth. The lives of these men provide outreach to the seeker and encouragement to believers new and old.)Directory of Baptist churches in the Philippines
Asian Baptist Clearinghouse (facilitates the receiving and sending of monthly support for Filipino and non-Filipino missionaries to foreign fields from the local churches); list of missionaries to Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Congo, East Timor, Ethiopia, Haiti, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kashmir, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Panama, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Zambia
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