Thursday, January 07, 2010

Study guides for Ken Boa’s Leadership articles (interim curriculum)

These articles on Practicing the Leadership Traits of God from Ken Boa’s Reflections Ministries are part of the interim curriculum. We have prepared these study guides which you can use in two ways: (1) Read the study questions first so you can have an overview of the article; and (2) After reading the article, try answering the questions to test your comprehension.

Index of study guides:

  1. Accountability
  2. Change and Innovation
  3. Communicating Vision
  4. Communication Skills
  5. Communication Skills
  6. Conflict Management
  7. Decision Making
  8. Double-Loop Learning
  9. Empowerment
  10. Human Resources
  11. Humility
  12. Integrity
  13. Justice
  14. Leader Qualifications
  15. Leadership Development
  16. Long-Range Planning
  17. Obedience to God
  18. Priorities
  19. Problem Solving
  20. Purpose and Passion
  21. Rewards
  22. Self-Discipline
  23. Situational Leadership
  24. Stewardship
  25. Stress Management
  26. Structure and Organization
  27. Systems Thinking
  28. Team Building
  29. The Learning Organization
  30. Values
  31. Vision
  32. Wisdom

Leadership Qualities: Accountability
(download PDF)
  1. Why does it seem that many in Christendom would rather build a hospital than put up a warning sign?
  2. Christians often allow a person to come to a very bad state before we get involved. In what area is this attitude more clearly seen?
  3. What did Neil Plantinga say about our tendency towards rationalization, projection and denial?
  4. What is the study of “cognitive dissonance” about?
  5. What standards should effective leaders use in judging themselves?
  6. From whom should skilled leaders receive feedback?
  7. What did David Watson say about accountability and responsibility?
  8. How did the Bible in using King David’s example show the dangers of living our lives free of accountability?
  9. “Most leaders don’t experience a sudden blow-out in their lives. More often it’s a slow leak that leads to disaster.” Explain.
  10. What are the consequences of small compromises?
  11. Which of the Ten Commandments did David violate in his affair with Bathsheba and its aftermath?
  12. What were David’s options when he was confronted by Nathan about his sin?
  13. Does being “a man after God’s own heart mean we are flawless in our performance”? What does it require of us?
  14. Recite Psalm 51.
  15. What did Dietrich Bonhoeffer say about cruelty and leniency, compassion and reprimand?
  16. What did Bonhoeffer say about the imperative of reprimand?
  17. Instead of waiting for a crisis to establish accountability, what should wise leaders do?
  18. What are required when leaders invite godly people of mature character to ask the tough questions?
  19. “If all humans and angels are accountable to God, to whom or to what is God accountable?”
  20. What is our responsibility even when we haven’t a clue as to where God may be leading us?
  21. What is an inescapable reality that will impose itself upon us in spite of all human thoughts to the contrary?
  22. What is the purpose of accountability, and why do people generally try to evade it?
  23. How many of us perceive genuine accountability as being in our own best interest, regardless of the degree of inconvenience it may at times entail? Explain in the light of the Old Testament story of Naaman, Elisha and Gehazi.
  24. “Throughout Scripture, we find God seeking out sinful people and asking them questions like Elisha’s.” Explain using the examples of Adam, Jesus and his disciples who were arguing who was the greatest
  25. “Deception never leads to liberation; it leads to subjugation.” Explain.
  26. Why is accountability so necessary?
  27. Why should we recognize our own need to be under the authority of others?
  28. What is one of the benefits of accountability as based on the human condition?
  29. What is the consequence of accountability without full disclosure?
  30. What did the Apostle Peter say about his fellow “shepherds of God’s flock” being accountable to one another?
  31. Chuck Colson is the first member of the Nixon administration to be jailed for Watergate-related charges. He learned accountability the hard way. In his Prison Fellowship ministries, what are the seven questions on accountability that he asks?
  32. What is Princeton professor Robert Wuthnow’s testimony about having a circle of friends, linear relationships and accountability?
  33. Why does every person need a circle of friends?
  34. What is the spiritual law that like the law of gravity is inviolable?
  35. What did businessman Bob Briner discover about the benefits of accountability?
  36. “Any believer who spends a good deal of time with people who don’t understand – or are antagonistic toward – his or her faith needs relationships built on accountability and caring.” Explain.
  37. What did Patrick Morley in his book The Man in the Mirror say in an open letter to men and their pastors?
  38. “We don’t intentionally seek out people who can and will tell us the truth and ask us the hard questions. These relationships will not be easy to cultivate.” What does this kind of relationship require?
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Leadership Qualities: Change and Innovation (download PDF)
  1. What was King Hezekiah’s attitude in 2 Kings 20:19 after he was told his wealth and posterity would fall into the hands of the Babylonians?
  2. How do many of our environmental and financial decisions demonstrate this same outlook of Hezekiah?
  3. What did A.W. Tozer say about the days of the years of our lives?
  4. Fill in the blanks for the following: “You are not defined by your _______; you are defined by your _________. You have a _________, a ______ and a
  5. ___________. The past is _________, but the future is _________. The past is ____________, but lasting change is ___________ for those of us who are united with the God who makes all things new.”
  6. How can change not only be possible but also normative?
  7. How does the story of the cooking of the roast illustrate that even the best practice can lose its usefulness?
  8. How did Jesus in Mark 2:18-22 illustrate the need for change and innovation?
  9. What must we do in order to change?
  10. How did Christ make it possible for us to enter into the intimacy of fellowship with God Himself?
  11. What do we realize about God as we learn more about this created order?
  12. From the very large to the very small, what does God’s intricate design reveal Him to be?
  13. What past and future events in the Bible illustrate the dramatic and unprecedented innovations that have been wrought by God?
  14. What does Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 say about God’s innovations?
  15. As James S. Steward narrates it, what did Michelangelo accomplish with the massive, shapeless block of marble that other sculptors given up on?
  16. What is the Bible’s assessment of the human condition?
  17. What did Luder Whitlock, former president of Reformed Theological Seminary, say about the power of the Gospel?
  18. Fill in the blanks: “The biblical doctrine of grace ________ without inflating; it ____________ without degrading.”
  19. Why are change and innovation necessary?
  20. How does the story of Abram illustrate the need for change?
  21. When weeks turned into months turned into years turned into decades, and still Abraham and Sarah had no child, how did Abraham respond? When did God fulfill His promise to Abraham?
  22. When God calls a person, what does it require? What kind of a call is it?
  23. When leaders contemplate change, what should their first consideration be?
  24. Why does God’s process of change include pain?
  25. What did Jim McGuiggan say about redemption through suffering and death?
  26. What does it take to weave the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” into a beautiful tapestry?
  27. What do the variety we observe on earth and in the cosmos say about what things will be like in heaven?
  28. What did Apostle Paul say about our present sufferings in Romans 8:18?
  29. What is the role of a leader in bringing about change?
  30. In Acts 10:9-28, 34-35, how did God model organizational change for the Jewish church in Jerusalem?
  31. What are the seven principles of change that we can learn from Peter’s experience in Acts 10?
  32. Can a person change and still stay true to his core values?
  33. What do James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras say about how capable leaders who can change practices and procedures to enable their organization to move forward while recognizing their core values?
  34. How does Paul’s missionary travels in Acts 16 illustrate his careful planning and at the same time openness to God’s leading? What was Paul’s core value?
  35. What does Leonard Sweet, dean of the Theological School and vice president at Drew
  36. University in Madison, New Jersey, say about church leaders and their need to distinguish between content and containers?
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Leadership Qualities: Communicating Vision (download PDF)
  1. What is the funny story of moving the washing machine all about?
  2. What incidents prove that the great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was notoriously bad at being able to communicate what he wanted to his musicians?
  3. What is the relationship between vision and clear communication?
  4. Who are the people who change the world?
  5. What did King David do after he learned that it was his son Solomon who will build the temple?
  6. What were the four steps David took in preparing the building of the temple?
  7. What is one of the most significant tasks of a leader?
  8. Why can it be said that the entire Bible is a vision-casting book?
  9. What did James Emery White say about the reason we were given life?
  10. Why is there no Acts 29 in the Bible?
  11. Why does Luke never tell us in Acts if Paul made it to Caesar with his appeal, or whether he lived or died?
  12. How does chapter four of the Gospel of John illustrate how Jesus constantly sought to communicate a greater vision of the Father’s will to his disciples?
  13. What does Dr. Hans Finzel, Executive Director of a large church-planting organization, say about communicating vision?
  14. Once a vision is cast, does it need to be cast again?
  15. “Ultimately, God’s vision must be transmitted by the Spirit of God”. How was this illustrated in the Old Testament story of Elisha and his servant when they were being besieged by the Arameans?
  16. How did Paul expand on this principle in his writings to the church at Corinth?
  17. What is our role as kingdom builders?
  18. How did Steve Jobs convince John Sculley, CEO of Pepsi-Cola, to become the CEO of the fledgling Apple company?
  19. Why do people have a yearning for significance?
  20. How can we have a hand in eternity?
  21. “It is one thing to have vision; it is quite another to communicate that vision to others to enable them to embrace and internalize it.” Explain.
  22. What does Andy Stanley in his book Visioneering say about casting the most significant visions not at stages but at the bedsides of children?
  23. What does the shema of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 say about parents’ responsibility to create an environment in which their children will hear and embrace the teachings and principles of Scripture?
  24. Why does the statement “Do as I say, not as I do” show a lack of integrity?
  25. Fill in the blanks: “Communication involves more than ________. It involves ________ (words and concepts), ________ (behavior and character) and ________ (passion and sympathy)”.
  26. In what ways is vision imparted?
  27. How is truth most effectively proclaimed?
  28. What is the message Proverbs 2 as to how wisdom can be found?
  29. What does Dr. Larry Crabb say about the power and importance of casting a vision for another person?
  30. Why is transmission sometimes a problem in communication?
  31. How can reception be a problem in communication? How was this illustrated in the Old Testament story f God commissioning Moses?
  32. When God revealed His plan, Moses responded with three questions and an objection that expressed his unbelief and lack of confidence. What were these questions and objection?
  33. Fill in the blanks: “Like Moses, all leaders will occasionally face tough challenges, and seemingly impossible situations. At such times they need to follow Moses’ lead: (a) __________, (b) __________, (c) __________ for his response and then (d) obey.”
  34. “How exactly did God lead Moses from resisting the vision of deliverance to leading it?”
  35. Review the five points of Moses’ resistance to the vision and God’s response to each point.
  36. What kind of vision does God have for each of us as individuals?
  37. What is God’s two-fold plan for all of us?
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Leadership Qualities: Communication Skills (download PDF)
  1. What is the funny story of ‘Bon appetit’ and Barnhouse all about?
  2. Recite Proverbs 18:13.
  3. What are the consequences for a leader who cannot communicate?
  4. What did Arthur Robertson, founder and president of Effective Communication and Development, Inc., in his book The Language of Effective Listening say about the skill of effective listening?
  5. What did Dr. James Lynch, co-director of the Psychophysiological Clinic and Laboratories at the University of Maryland, discover about the relationship between effective listening and good health?
  6. What did George Bernard Shaw say about the greatest problem of communication?
  7. What are some active listening techniques we must learn and practice?
  8. What is closely tied in with the skill of listening?
  9. Is the saying “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me” true?
  10. What is the root of our word sarcasm?
  11. What are some of the negative emotions that we vent? What are the consequences of this venting?
  12. What did Dietrich Bonhoeffer say of the need to practice “the ministry of holding one’s tongue”?
  13. What do wise leaders do before they speak?
  14. Fill in the blanks: “Those three commands (quick to ________, slow to ________ and slow to ________) may be the most frequently disobeyed commands in the whole Bible.
  15. What is Francis Schaeffer’s answer to the question “How we know what we know?”
  16. According to Schaeffer, what is the foundational assumption of Scripture?
  17. What did William Barry and William Connolly write about our faith and God?
  18. Psalm 19 contains a description of two ways in which God has communicated with us. What are these ways? Explain each way.
  19. Fill in the blanks: “God communicated with us in Scripture not merely to ________ us, but also to ________ us.”
  20. Recite 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  21. What are the benefits attached to consistent exposure to the God-breathed Word?
  22. As great as the Bible is, what is God’s highest form of communication?
  23. Recite Hebrews 1:1-3a
  24. Fill in the blanks: “The issue is not whether we will communicate, but how ________ and ________ our communication will be.”
  25. What does chapter three of the Epistle of James say about the power of the tongue?
  26. What are the two sources that can animate our speech?
  27. What is the key to taming the tongue?
  28. Fill in the blanks: “Sinful ________ produce sinful ________.”
  29. What did Joseph Stowell say about transforming our tongues?
  30. How and when does real communication take place between two parties?
  31. What was God’s warning to Isaiah about communication problems that will mark his ministry?
  32. How were Jesus’ parables similar to Isaiah’s situation?
  33. What was the wonderful story about Joseph Parker recounted by John Stott all about?
  34. According to Ted Engstrom, what are the ways communication is blocked?
  35. Fill in the blanks: “A leader must also ________ before answering – that’s essential. But in order to be truly effective, that leader must also listen and respond with a mind that is ________ and ________ for a fuller meaning. Then and only then can effective two-way communication begin to take place.”
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Leadership Qualities: Conflict Management (download PDF)
  1. What is the story of the man shipwrecked on a deserted island all about?
  2. Fill in the blanks: “No leadership model exists that will totally eliminate _________ or __________ of personality.”
  3. How can the tension that comes from conflict be healthy and beneficial to growth?
  4. What did Jean Varnier, founder of L’Arche communities across the world, say about tensions and conflicts?
  5. How did Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, address the issue of conflicts either by others offending us or by our offending them?
  6. No matter which side has caused the problem, what is always the solution?
  7. What is a sad indicator of our spiritual health as a believing community?
  8. The sins we are taught to avoid tend to revolve about what kind of issues?
  9. What did John Ortberg write about a church-going man he calls “Hank”?
  10. What is the one word that our Lord used to sum up the total teaching of the Old Testament?
  11. What are the three behaviors that are done in direct defiance to Jesus’ essential command but which are tolerated all the time, even among Christians?
  12. Fill in the blanks: “Correct interpersonal ________ are more important than correct ________.”
  13. Our relationship with God is better gauged by our human relationships than by what?
  14. What does Larry Calvin say about taking the initiative whether you have something against a person, or you know he has something against you?
  15. Why can Christ ask us to take the initiative in resolving conflicts?
  16. What happens when we come to see how important people are to God?
  17. How do effective leaders manage conflicts?
  18. Fill in the blanks: “Conflicts can’t be _________, but they can be _________.”
  19. Although the players may be invisible, we live in what kind of context?
  20. What is the two-sided nature of this invisible war?
  21. What is Revelation 19:11-21 all about? What does thee vivid imagery in this passage portray?
  22. How is God able to use conflict to accomplish his divine will?
  23. What did Charles Spurgeon say about the difference between fate and sovereignty?
  24. Fill in the blanks: “God always acts and allows ________ and ________ for a purpose. His purposes, though they may seem harsh and even ________ from our finite ________, are always generous and good. He is both good and _________, but his will is done from the perspective of _________.”
  25. Although we live in a world that is far from perfect, what does Scripture assure us?
  26. Recite 2 Peter 3:9-10.
  27. What are the strategies that do not provide an effective long-term technique for managing conflict?
  28. How does King David provide a negative example for us in the way he mismanaged his conflict with his son Absalom?
  29. What is the key to conflict management?
  30. How can effective leaders learn to be peacemakers?
  31. What is the consequence of putting off confrontation?
  32. Fill in the blanks: “Avoidance allows bitterness to _________ and alienation to _________.”
  33. How can conflict itself not have to be negative?
  34. Does spiritual maturity lead to fewer conflicts?
  35. What does Larry Crabb say about the difference between spiritual and unspiritual community?
  36. How can energy produced by conflicts be channeled in positive directions?
  37. According to Ephesians 4:1-3, what are the keys to managing conflict?
  38. What is the critical issue in conflict management?
  39. How can a godly leader approach conflict so that it cements unity between the participants?
  40. How can conflict produce growth and unity?
  41. What is the key to positively channeling the energy that conflict produces?
  42. What does Larry Crabb say about the impact that confrontation can have when it comes from a person who recognizes, in humility, their own brokenness?
  43. Why is it crucial that a person in a leadership position learn how to manage it with an eye toward positive closure?
  44. On Christmas Day, 1957, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a sermon at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama entitled “Loving Your Enemy.” What were the three ways he suggested in loving our enemies?
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Leadership Qualities: Decision Making (download PDF)
  1. What is the thought-provoking scene in Lewis Carroll’s classic children’s tale, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland between Alice and the Cheshire Cat?
  2. What are the three kinds of decisions we make in our lives?
  3. How do we choose wisely? What criteria do we use to evaluate, to discern the best course of action?
  4. Why do we need wisdom and clarity of thought in decision making?
  5. Why do we make so many bad choices?
  6. What is the opposite extreme of basing choices made on “gut reactions” or feelings?
  7. What is the only basis for really good decisions?
  8. What are the four primary avenues through which wisdom from above comes?
  9. What ability differentiates between poor and good, and between good and great, leaders?
  10. How does Nehemiah provide one of our best patterns of decision making?
  11. In Nehemiah 1:1-11, what was his four-step process in approaching the challenge of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem?
  12. What did Nehemiah know that every great leader knows?
  13. Why does praying over business decisions seem odd?
  14. “In what sense can we say that the Sovereign Lord, the One who transcends all imaginable boundaries and who knows all things, makes decisions?”
  15. What part do the foolish, sinful decisions of men play in God’s sovereign scheme?
  16. What is God’s plan based on?
  17. Fill in the blanks: “Because he is ________, his plan is based not on appearances but
  18. on consequences. Because he is ________, he is able to fully accomplish his purposes.
  19. Because he is ________, his dominion continually encompasses the created order. Because he is not bound by ________and ________, he views all things from the perspective of an eternal now; a particular ________to us can be an ________to God, and yet the entire life span of the cosmos can be an ________to him (2 Peter 3:18).”
  20. Recite Psalm 113:6.
  21. Do our prayers make a difference in the outworking of God’s purposes?
  22. How does Philip Yancey in his book “The Bible Jesus Read” characterize God?
  23. How does Jewish theologian Abraham Heschel describe God as having emotions?
  24. How do Abraham’s prayers on behalf of the few righteous people in Sodom illustrate the biblical truth that God mysteriously incorporates our prayers into his eternal plan?
  25. What did John Wesley, John Calvin, Jack Hayford and Walter Wink say about prayer and God’s character?
  26. What is the effect of the Bible’s use of language that ascribes human form or attributes to God?
  27. What did Dante Gabriel Rosetti, a painter and poet whose works were focused almost exclusively on his beautiful wife Elizabeth, do when she died?
  28. What do the patterns established by our small decisions shape?
  29. From 1 Chronicles 12:32, what are the two key prerequisites for good decision making?
  30. Like the men of Issachar, what do leaders need to understand and be aware of?
  31. What was Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” speech all about?
  32. Fill in the blanks: “No decision is a decision to remain in the ________ ___, to shirk an opportunity for _________, to make ourselves and our image of ________ a little bit smaller.”
  33. What do good decisions require?
  34. What did Solomon in Proverbs 1:1-6 urge leaders to attain in order to make good decisions?
  35. If technology can help us to gather and manipulate information, why do we still need sharp minds?
  36. How does Josuha 9 illustrate the truth that “no decision is wise if it’s made independently of God”?
  37. What does Haddon Robinson in his “Decision Making by the Book” say about James 4:15?
  38. What did former US president Ronald Reagan say about God being on our side?
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Leadership Qualities: Double-Loop Learning
(download PDF)
  1. What is story of the Protestant minister, a Catholic priest and a Jewish rabbi fishing together on a small lake all about?
  2. A rock can either be what? What makes the difference?
  3. What is the effect of the increase in technology?
  4. “If we aren’t learning, we are on the fast track to extinction.” How does Karl Weick illustrate this truth in the example of firefighters?
  5. According to Dr. Winston Chen, founder and former CEO of Solectron, the largest electronics contract manufacturer in the world, what percentage of an engineer’s knowledge becomes obsolete every year?
  6. Fill in the blanks: “Leadership these days is either _________, ________ or nonexistent.”
  7. What characterizes our society in terms of information and wisdom?
  8. Fill in the blanks: “Leaders today must work diligently to develop a learning culture of data management where ________ (undigested facts) can become ________ (facts organized by outside sources but not yet integrated into your thinking), which then can become ________ (internalized information), which can be refined into ________ (integrated knowledge).”
  9. What are two different kinds of learning according to Chris Argyris’ article “Teaching Smart People How to Learn”? How does he illustrate these kinds of learning with a thermostat?
  10. What is the difference between single-loop learning and double-loop learning?
  11. How did Jesus in John 21 model double-loop learning?
  12. Fill in the blanks: “First time around the loop – ________. Second time around the loop - ________ and ________ that drive behavior. Great leaders don’t stop after one lap around the loop. ”
  13. What does Isaiah 55:6-11 advise us about who God is and how we can know Him?
  14. Recite Romans 11:33, 1 Corinthians 1:25, and 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  15. What is our only proper response to God’s initiatives?
  16. Recite Deuteronomy 29:29.
  17. What will we find as new technology allows us to more closely examine creation?
  18. What have many learned theologians have in centuries past found out about human knowledge of God?
  19. What did philosopher John Locke say about the Sailor and the Ocean?
  20. What did George Santayana say about those who cannot remember the past?
  21. Why are some people like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football?
  22. Fill in the blanks: “There is something beneficial to ________, but there is something more beneficial to ________ from the _________ of our past.”
  23. How does King Saul in 1 Samuel 13:1-22 and 15:1-35 exemplify the failure to respond correctly to God’s truth?
  24. Which persons are more likely to learn from their failures and to adapt that insight to new situations?
  25. What does leadership require to achieve new and better systems and results?
  26. How does Peter in his book of 1 Peter show that he had learned from his failures as narrated in the Gospels? How was he able to make these changes in his behavior, attitude and character?
  27. What do leaders need to learn and to address?
  28. According to Proverbs 9:7-9, what is the difference between trying to help a mocker and a wise man to learn?
  29. What does Chris Argyris say about how learning can persist?
  30. How do single loop learning and double-loop learning deal with outbursts?
  31. How does double-loop learning apply to the work of the Holy Spirit?
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Leadership Qualities: Empowerment (download PDF)
  1. How does the life of Frank Laubach, a missionary to the Philippines in the early 1900s, stand as a testimony to the power of God to empower the life of one willing person?
  2. What was the single most important factor of Laubach’s life?
  3. What did William Barclay say about waiting?
  4. What are the two essentials for effective empowerment?
  5. Fill in the blanks: “The leader who offers empowerment too early sets up followers for _________. On the other hand, the leader who fails to empower capable people creates _________.”
  6. What is Christianity and what is it not?
  7. In Romans 8:6-8, what does the Apostle Paul say about man’s power to please God?
  8. Why is Christianity unique among all other world religions?
  9. Why is our heavenly Father often very different from the earthly fathers we observe?
  10. What are the only eternal things of this world?
  11. How can our lives reverberate throughout eternity?
  12. What is the key to walking in newness of life?
  13. What does Neil Anderson say about being a Christian?
  14. As we mature in the life of Christ, what does He call us to do?
  15. How did Paul equip and empower Timothy and Titus?
  16. What are the differences between Paul’s correspondence with Timothy and his correspondence with Titus?
  17. What do Paul’s relationships with Titus and Timothy demonstrate about empowerment?
  18. What are the five principles of empowerment Jesus illustrated in Matthew 28:18-20?
  19. What is the story told by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus of a promising junior executive at IBM who got involved in a risky venture for the company and ended up losing 10 million dollars all about?
  20. Besides merely pointing people in the right direction, what must leaders do?
  21. What did Jesus understand about power that every skilled leader knows?
  22. How can we, like the apostles, be empowered today?
  23. How does empowerment work in a business and church settings?
  24. What is leadership all about? What is our role as leaders?
  25. What is the relationship between empowerment and trust?
  26. How do the following verses describe God as opposed to some earthly fathers?
Psalm 145:18; Isaiah 50:7-9
Psalm 145:17; 1 Peter 2:25
Psalm 103:13; 2 Corinthians 1:3
Romans 15:7; 1 John 4:8
Deuteronomy 10:15; Psalm 117:2
Zephaniah 3:17; James 4:8
Luke 15:11-31
Psalm 86:15; Isaiah 54:17
James 1:17; Philippians 4:19
Hosea 11:8-9; Ephesians 2:4-5
Romans 12:2
Psalm 86:5; Ephesians 1:7
Jeremiah 29:11-14; Zechariah 1:3
1 Corinthians 3:6; Hebrews 12:10
Isaiah 43:4; 1 John 3:1
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Leadership Qualities: Human Resources (download PDF)
  1. What is Robert Roberts’ story about the fourth grade class, the class of mentally handicapped children and “balloon stomp” game all about? Who got the game right, and who got the game wrong?
  2. Recite Ephesians 4:11-13.
  3. Besides endowing each believer with unique spiritual gifts, what else did Christ give to the church?
  4. What is the yearning that drives us to God?
  5. Fill in the blanks: “We come to ________ alone; but we grow in ________ among others.”
  6. What did our separation from God lead to?
  7. In what context can we grow up into the people God designed us to be?
  8. What is perhaps the greater longing in the heart of a man or a woman?
  9. How can we leave an indelible mark on the halls of history?
  10. What is our glorious privilege?
  11. “In what ways is God a manager and developer of human resources?”
  12. What is the consistent theme with God’s calling of a person to ministry or service? How are we entrusted with the dignity and responsibility of a unique ministry to others?
  13. How do Ephesians 1:4-5 and Psalm 139:13-16 show that just as God knew Jeremiah, so God knew us and set us apart before we were formed in the womb?
  14. What does it mean if we were created for a purpose and placed in our present context by a strategically-thinking, sovereign God?
  15. “As you look back on your own mental, emotional, moral and spiritual development, what evidences can you see of God’s work in this process?”
  16. “What people and resources did he particularly use to shape you into the person you have become?”
  17. “In what area of your life do you sense the greatest need for further development? What resources are available to bring this about?”
  18. Why is leadership not only a privilege but also a responsibility?
  19. How did Paul build the life of Onesimus and participate in the development of his potential?
  20. What should be the attitude of effective leaders when some of those people they have trained move beyond them?
  21. How does Jim Collins in his book Good to Great characterize a “Level 5 Leader” (the highest level of leadership)?
  22. Fill in the blanks: “A biblical worldview insists that everything we have has been given to us (which should lead to _________) and that we will one day be called to give an account of our __________ (which should lead to ________).”
  23. “How do we interact with people in a way that develops them, cares for them, protects them?”
  24. Recite 1 Thessalonians 2:6-12.
  25. What are the three reasons organizations practice human resource management and development?
  26. What is a core Christian value about human beings?
  27. Fill in the blanks: “It is a core Christian value that humans, created in God’s ________ and _________ through the death of Jesus Christ, are priceless ________ of Almighty God.”
  28. What question did Paul ask himself when made decisions concerning particular followers in Thessalonica?
  29. Recite Proverbs 4:1-9.
  30. Why is wisdom necessary according to Proverbs 4?
  31. What do effective leaders focus on rather focusing on the characteristics of success?
  32. In their book SuperLeadership, what do Charles C. Manz and Henry P. Sims, Jr say about the characteristic of a SuperLeader?
  33. What is one vital component of wisdom? What is the wisest and most foolish things we can do?
  34. Fill in the blanks: “Wisdom embraces the ________ perspective. Wisdom reminds us that we are not ________ yet. We are _________, pilgrims, _________ on this earth whose home is in the celestial city. Wisdom forces us to ________ our lives in things that will endure – God’s __________ and God’s ________.”
  35. What are things are things we experience in community with others?
  36. What is the one sure way to lose the joy and peace in the sharing of gifts?
  37. What does a life of constant comparison lead to?
  38. What happens when you find your place of service within the community of faith?
  39. Recite John 3:30.
  40. Why has the church calendar historically set the birth of Christ on December 24?
  41. Why has the church calendar historically set the birth of John the Baptist on June 24?
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Leadership Qualities: Humility (download PDF)
  1. What’s hard for people to admit?
  2. What did John Ruskin say about humility?
  3. What is the modern notion of the “self-made” man?
  4. Our abilities, time and opportunities – are they our possessions or God’s gifts to us?
  5. What does humility naturally lead to?
  6. Why don’t we want to admit that God is the giver of every good gift?
  7. What is the supreme biblical example of humility?
  8. Fill in the blanks: “The _________ comes before the crown; the person who seeks _________ will ultimately be humiliated, but the person who _________ himself will later be honored.”
  9. Why is humility such an elusive virtue?
  10. When does true humility come?
  11. What is a perverted form of pride?
  12. What does Paul say in Philippians 2:1-4 as being one of the keys to unity in the church?
  13. How can we consider the needs of others before our own?
  14. In Jihn 13, what were the three things Christ understood before he assumed the role of a lowly servant and began to wash the feet of the disciples?
  15. How can we have the same security as Christ had?
  16. What does Sehnsücht , one of the motifs of C.S. Lewis’ life, mean?
  17. From a biblical and theistic perspective, where did this longing, this desire, this nostalgia for heaven?
  18. What is the most foolish thing we can do with regards this longing?
  19. From Philippians 2:5-11, what are the three things about our Lord that model for us the essence of true humility?
  20. When does the true test of humility come?
  21. Biblically speaking, where does humility come from?
  22. Recite Jeremiah 29:11.
  23. What is Christ’s description of his character in Matthew 11:28?
  24. Where does most of the stress we endure come from?
  25. In the ancient Middle East, how did they train animals in carrying a yoke?
  26. Recite Hebrews 5:8.
  27. What were Christ’s mission statements from Luke 19:10 and Mark 10:45?
  28. How did Moses personify humility?
  29. “When people come to grips with their desperate need for the grace and mercy of God,
  30. there are three characteristics that become evident.” What are they?
  31. What accompanies a job well done? How does it truly come?
  32. In what ways does God show us our impact on other people’s lives?
  33. What do insecure people look like?
  34. What are the consequences of insecurity and envy?
  35. How did the nation of Israel learn humility and obedience?
  36. In Deuteronomy 8:10-14, 17-18, what is the relationship between prosperity and humility, and between difficulty and pride?
  37. What is one of the great dangers of success?
  38. “We are all born with closed hands.” Explain.
  39. In contrast to men’s closed hands, how are the hands of God described in the Bible?
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Leadership Qualities: Integrity (download PDF)
  1. According to James Kouzes and Barry Posner, what trait is most desired in a leader? Why?
  2. Why did Israel regard the prophet Samuel highly?
  3. What do people want to know?
  4. What does the Bible make clear about our covenants?
  5. What is Biblical integrity?
  6. Why is God totally consistent?
  7. Why do people let us down again and again?
  8. What does Hebrews 13:8 say about God’s character?
  9. Why is God ultimately the reliable source of hope?
  10. “When God says yes, it stays yes; when he says no, it stays no. This has both negative and positive ramifications.” Explain.
  11. “An encounter with holiness is traumatic.” Explain using the examples of the prophet Isaiah and the apostles Peter and John.
  12. What is the genius of the Christian life?
  13. What is the opposite of integrity?
  14. What does the word “woe” (ouai) mean?
  15. What do the words ethics and morality mean? How are they related to integrity?
  16. What did Paul tell Timothy about integrity?
  17. What is “image maintenance”?
  18. “In the end, we become what our desires make us.” Explain.
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Leadership Qualities: Justice (download PDF)
  1. What is our mission as God’s redeemed community?
  2. What is John Stott’s observation about the stereotypes of the Gospel?
  3. Much of the Christian world can be neatly divided into what two separate categories?
  4. What did Carl F.H. Henry, in an address to the World Congress on Evangelism in 1966, say about the message of evangelical Christianity?
  5. What have Christians like Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531), George Whitefield (1714-1770), William Wilberforce (1759-1833), William Carey (1761-1834), Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1883), and Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) done in serving the needs of the poor, needy and helpless, particularly widows, children and orphans?
  6. What did Donald Whitney say about Christianity being a religion of concern for others?
  7. What does Amos 5:21-24 say about the importance of social justice?
  8. What is Judson Polling and Bill Perkins’ explanation of the context of Amos 5?
  9. Fill in the blanks: “Because of their __________ and injustice, they had the ________ of worship without the _________ of worship.”
  10. From a Biblical standpoint, what is the absolute standard for justice?
  11. Why does God loathe sin?
  12. How may righteousness be defined or identified? How is it exhibited?
  13. What are the effects of people who are overly preoccupied with themselves?
  14. “God’s passion for justice is evident from Genesis through Revelation.” Recite Psalm 33:5, Psalm 89:14, Psalm 111:7, Proverbs 29:26 and Isaiah 61:8.
  15. In Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan, what are the three distinct philosophies of life we encounter?
  16. “Sadly, it is often the case that those who claim to be men and women of God are the worst offenders of justice and righteousness.” Explain.
  17. What were the results of the experiment which recreated the parable of the Good Samaritan on a seminary campus?
  18. In its fullest sense, what is the quest for true justice all about? How does Zechariah 7:8-14 prove this?
  19. What does Isaiah 58:6 say about true fasting?
  20. Why is leadership a complex issue?
  21. What is Micah 6:8’s simple key to leading justly?
  22. “Everyone should act with justice and mercy, but the stakes go up when leaders are involved.” Explain.
  23. What is humility and how does it affect justice and mercy?
  24. “Leaders need to use their resources in an equitable way. How is that accomplished?” Explain using Nehemiah 5:1-19 as reference.
  25. What is the year of Jubilee all about?
  26. Why is the year of Jubilee like an ancient version of the board game Monopoly?
  27. What does John Perkins, in his book With Justice for All, say about stewardship and the world’s resources?
  28. Fill in the blanks: “Justice is not served by perpetuating _________ but by _________ the dependent to, under God’s good hand, take care of their own needs.”
  29. “Justice is uncommon and uncommonly hard.” Explain.
  30. Instead of a blindfolded woman holding a sword and scale, what is the Biblical image of justice as stated in Amos?
  31. According to Leviticus 19, holiness of life involves what?
  32. “What tactics should we use to bring about a world that more closely reflects God’s desires? Persuasion? Politics? Civil disobedience? Revolution?”
  33. Fill in the blanks: “We do not _________ the world and culture because they are passing away, for this world is the _________ of God’s glory. Rather, we _________ every task in the world as an _________ to the One who is All in All.”
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Leadership Qualities: Leader Qualifications (download PDF)
  1. Why does Timothy stand out in Scripture as a stereotypical misfit for a leadership position?
  2. How was Titus unlike Timothy?
  3. What are essential for anyone who wants to lead?
  4. What are the qualifications of leaders in the church as outlined in 1 Timothy 3:2-12 and Titus 1:6-9?
  5. When is the time to discover if someone can lead?
  6. “Who in Scripture best displays the qualities of true leadership?”
  7. Recite 1 John 1:5.
  8. How does Isaiah 40:10-23 describe God?
  9. Fill in the blanks: “God is not a divine ________ but a gracious and merciful ________ who nurtures, ________ and protects his people as a good ________ cares for his flock.”
  10. What did Nebuchadnezzar discover about God in Daniel 4:34-35?
  11. Does 1 Corinthians 13:12 say that we will become omniscient like God?
  12. On what foundation is Biblical leadership built on?
  13. How does the story of Samuel and David in 1 Samuel 16 illustrate that “the leaders God raises up are not the same people that our world system would elevate to positions of leadership”? What does verse 7 say about God’s qualifications for leadership?
  14. David is described as “a man after God’s own heart”. What does this mean?
  15. What did Lynn Anderson, in his book “The Shepherd’s Song”, write about this description of David?
  16. What is a life filed with double-mindedness or ambivalence like?
  17. “The capacity of the human heart for duplicity is staggering. And yet it is possible, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to achieve a heart united in its passion for God.” Explain using Clifford Williams’ quotation and Luke 10:38-42.
  18. What is the standard for leadership qualifications as stated in 1 Peter 2:1-3?
  19. What does true repentance require of leaders?
  20. What is the law of undulation?
  21. What is the positive aspect of leadership?
  22. How can we honestly say that we are growing in the things of God?
  23. “Leaders, under God’s good hand, must never stop cultivating leadership qualities. In fact, regardless of how well a person masters any skill, the choice of whether to use that skill appropriately is a character issue more than a skill issue.” Explain.
  24. According to Paul, what is more important for a leader – character or skill?
  25. Why is the mindset that says, “I’m not a minister; I’m a business leader” opposed to Scripture?
  26. “Your ministry may seem small and insignificant at first, but this is often how God begins.” Explain using the examples of Zechariah, Bethlehem, David, Moses and Paul.
  27. How is the level of our fidelity largely determined?
  28. “Ministry is messy.” Explain.
  29. “When a person decides to take seriously the challenge to be an ambassador for Christ, to develop a mindset of ministry”, what are the approaches he may possibly take?
  30. From where should ministry flow or come out of?
  31. What does a true ministry mindset understand?
  32. “If you knew you were going to die tomorrow morning, what would you like to say to God tonight?”
  33. “Ministry requires discipline” but what should we be careful about these disciplines?
  34. “Odds are, your most effective time of ministry will not appear on your daily calendar. It won’t be in your appointment book.” “Unless you live with margin, being attentive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, you might just miss your moment of greatest impact.” Explain.
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Leadership Qualities: Leadership Development (download PDF)
  1. What is the story of two women walking in a New York street and the talking frog all about? What does it tell us about the way some leaders are?
  2. What does C. Gene Wilkes in his book “Jesus on Leadership:” say about effective leadership?
  3. In Luke 10:1-3, why did Jesus send out His disciples two by two?
  4. What were the two reasons these disciples were very successful?
  5. How can leadership be passed on?
  6. Why are many of us disappointed in ourselves?
  7. What reason do pop psychologists give for our disappointment with ourselves?
  8. What does Hebrews 5:7-10 say about Jesus developing into the leader he was?
  9. Based on Luke 2:52, how did Christ prepare for his public ministry?
  10. How did Christ develop into a servant leader?
  11. How does the story of Joseph prove that “there is no painless way to create servant leaders who possess depth and character”?
  12. Why shouldn’t new converts be placed in positions of spiritual leadership?
  13. What is the crux of fairy tales?
  14. Why is spiritual transformation similar to the butterfly struggling to free itself from its chrysalis?
  15. In 1 Kings 2:1-9, how did David prepare his son Solomon to become a leader?
  16. “Mentoring is an intentional two-way street.” Explain.
  17. What dose Sheila R. Staley in her book “Women to Women” say about mentoring others?
  18. In 1 Thessalonians 1:5-6, how could the Thessalonians be confident that in following Paul, they were following Christ?
  19. What does Proverbs 27:17 say about mentoring?
  20. Recite Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.
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Leadership Qualities: Long-Range Planning
(download PDF)
  1. What did Yogi Berra say about predictions?
  2. What does Genesis 3:15 say about the future after Adam and Eve fell into sin?
  3. “God is the ultimate long-range planner.” Explain.
  4. What is the satirical novel titled Candide by the French philosopher Voltaire about?
  5. Fill in the blanks: “Ours is not the ________ of all possible worlds, but ours is the best of all possible ________, and he has chosen from the best of all possible ________that will lead to the best of all ________worlds.”
  6. What do Isaiah 37:26, Isaiah 46:10 and Proverbs 6:4 say about God’s omniscience and omnipotence?
  7. What does Sidney Lanier in his poem “The Marshes of Glynn” say about the greatness of God?
  8. Recite Galatians 4:4.
  9. What do the Greek words “chronos” and “kairos” mean? What is kairos time?
  10. Fill in the blanks: “Truly defining moments shape the __________ and _________ of our lives.”
  11. How does A.W. Tozer in his book “The Knowledge of the Holy” illustrate the sovereignty of God through the example of an ocean liner?
  12. Based on Acts 2:23; 4:27-28, why can it be said that the crucifixion part of God’s long-range planning?
  13. What do 1 Peter 1:20 and Revelation 13:8 say about God’s planning and His knwoldge of the future?
  14. What value, if any, does spontaneity have?
  15. Fill in the blanks: “The natural flow of life is ________, not up. People who sit ________ find themselves _________ into more dangerous circumstances.”
  16. What do Proverbs 6:9-11 and 22:13 say about sluggards?
  17. Fill in the blanks: “Planning and ________ performance with long-term goals and ________ in mind requires discipline, but this ________ inevitably leads to greater _________.”
  18. In Proverbs 6:6-8, what can the sluggard learn from the ant?
  19. Why are Joseph in the Old Testament and Paul in the New Testament good examples of long-range planning?
  20. What does James Emery White ay about our earthly life being a kairos moment?
  21. What is a question which every responsible follower must ask and every responsible leader must answer?
  22. How does Isaiah 30:1-5 illustrate that failure to bring God into our plans lead to shame and disgrace?
  23. Upon what basis should we design today’s strategy?
  24. What is one essential step leaders can take as they consider the future of their organizations? What are the questions to ask as part of this step?
  25. How did Paul in Romans 15:22-29 take advantage of changes in his environment?
  26. According to Karl Albrecht, what is the difference between planning and “futuring”?
  27. How did Paul’s daily ministry involve a kind of “futuring”?
  28. “We continue to seek vision when strategy is what is most needed.” Explain.
  29. What is the message of Jesus’ parable of the Shrewd Manager in Luke 16:1-9?
  30. Fill in the blanks: “God’s desire is that we address the problems in our lives by ________ them, ________ a realistic plan and ________ decisive action.”
  31. Is passivity spiritual?
  32. Why is “God the perfect model of one who takes initiative and makes thoughtful long-range plans”?
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Leadership Qualities: Obedience to God (download PDF)
  1. What are some positive and negative opportunities that come along with leadership?
  2. The television show “Fear Factor” is based on what idea?
  3. What are some things that shouldn’t ever have a price?
  4. What are the questions that every leader should periodically ask?
  5. In 1 Samuel 15, what did King Saul exchange for his commitment to God? How did he try to rationalize his actions?
  6. In Exodus 32, how did Moses’ brother Aaron try to rationalize the golden calf?
  7. Fill in the blanks: “The Bible never says God wants you to be ________; he wants you to be ________.”
  8. Recite 1 Samuel 15:22-23.
  9. “What is your price? What would it take for you to disobey God?”
  10. What was the fundamental problem of God’s covenant people?
  11. In Deuteronomy10:12-13, we can read God’s requirements for His people. What was the reason or purpose for these requirements?
  12. In his book “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction”, what was Eugene Peterson’s problem with his lawnmower? What spiritual lessons can we glean from this story?
  13. Fill in the blanks: “Even when God’s revealed will runs counter to our ________ and counter to our _________, it is not only the ________ way to live, it is the ________ way to live, the only ________ way to live.”
  14. According to Scripture, what is “a fundamental factor of the quality of this life and of the next”?
  15. Why are God’s commands not burdensome?
  16. What is the reason we usually disobey God?
  17. How can obedience not be burdensome?
  18. What is the consequence of habitual disobedience?
  19. “Could it be that a person gets to the point where he’s hardened his heart so much that God starts hardening it for him?”
  20. Fill in the blanks: “The more we ________ about God, the more we can ________him. The more we ________him, the more we ________him. The more we ________him, the more we will ________him. The more we ________him, the more we will ________about the trustworthiness of God.”
  21. What are the three options upon which we can make our decisions?
  22. Obedience to God can be costly. How was this illustrated in the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Daniel 3:16-18, and in the people listed in Hebrews 11?
  23. What is the “Gethsemane mindset” according to Vernon Grounds?
  24. Why do some children become embittered towards their parents?
  25. What does Joseph Stowell say about “followership”?
  26. Fill in the blanks: “Eternity _________ in the balance. The _________of our lives rises and falls based on whether we choose to _________our own destiny or _________ someone far wiser and better equipped to lead.”
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Leadership Qualities: Priorities (download PDF)
  1. What happened to Yusif “Terrible Turk”, Europe’s 350-pound wrestling champ a little over two generations ago? What does his story show us about what happens when we lose our perspective and our priorities?
  2. How can our lives be shaped by the by a divine call and not by the pressures around us?
  3. What is the story of the rich fool Luke 12:16-21 all about? What were the rich man’s priorities?
  4. What is the Law of Limited Resources?
  5. What is the important question that every leader must ask?
  6. “Many of us presume that there will be time to take stock of eternal things later in life.” What are the two fatal flaws in this thinking?
  7. Fill in the blanks: “Our character is shaped by the ________ we make. The _________ we allow the habits of our youth to remain _________, the harder they are to change.”
  8. What should our ultimate purpose in living?
  9. Fill in the blanks: “A ________ search for God will yield a harvest of bitterness, _________ and despair. You will not find God with a ________ heart. The search for God requires a _________ of purpose.”
  10. What is “summum bonum”?
  11. In Revelation 1:8, what is the Biblical vision of the summum bonum? As a consequence, what is the wisest thing e can do?
  12. “It is possible for someone to attain the wildest fantasies of humanity and still lose everything in the end.” How is this truth exemplified in the life of Howard Hughes and Marilyn Monroe?
  13. What is “a simple two-word question people who cling tightly to the things of this world tend to avoid asking”?
  14. Recite Ecclesiastes 3:11.
  15. What does Mark Buchanan say about our instinct for heaven?
  16. How can the good become the enemy of the best?
  17. Recite 1 John 2:15-17.
  18. Fill in the blanks: “Our perspective should determine our _________, and our priorities should determine our _________.”
  19. Based on Colossians 3:3-4, what does a Christ-centered life mean?
  20. “How is it possible to set our minds on things above rather than earthly things?”
  21. What is the way of ordering our mental life on more than one level at once?
  22. Recite Philippians 3:10-14.
  23. What are the effects of having a consuming priority? How did Paul’s consuming priority affect his actions and decisions?
  24. “Often, in our rush to pursue our own desires, we become like a dog whose leash is wrapped around a telephone pole.” Explain.
  25. What are some practical guidelines aimed at helping us choose priorities according to Peter F. Drucker?
  26. Recite Jeremiah 9:23-24.
  27. Based on the experiences of Abraham, Gideon, Esther and Mary, what is usually the first response to a calling from God?
  28. Henry Blackaby writes, “Some people say, ‘God will never ask me to do something I can’t do.’ I have come to the place in my life that, if the assignment I sense God is giving me is something that I know I can handle, I know it is probably not from God.” Explain.
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Leadership Qualities: Problem Solving (download PDF)
  1. What were the political, social and spiritual conditions of Jerusalem at the time of Nehemiah?
  2. As narrated in Nehemiah 6:1-14, in what ways did Nehemiah’s enemies try to sidetrack him from building the walls of Jerusalem?
  3. What did Dave Anderson – founder and chairman of the Famous Dave’s restaurant chain – suggest about getting ahead?
  4. Fill in the blank: “The only controllable factor in the face of problems is your ________.”
  5. Following Nehemiah’s model, what are the three responses we need in facing problems?
  6. Biblically speaking, what is the world’s ultimate problem?
  7. According to Paul in his Epistle to the Roans, what is the greatest problem in human history? What is God’s solution to this problem?
  8. What is the difference in the consequence of doing wrong in Christianity and in the movie The Last Emperor?
  9. “If God is the utmost problem-solver, what resources does he provide for his people to solve the problems they encounter?”
  10. What is the Old Testament Book of Esther all about?
  11. Recite Esther 4:13-14.
  12. Esther’s solution was marked by what things?
  13. What lessons in problem solving an we learn from Exodus 32:1-35?
  14. Fill in the blanks: “Aaron attacked the ________ problem; Moses confronted the _________ problem. Aaron focused on ________; Moses on the _________ that was driving the activity.”
  15. What are the two summary principles about problem solving we can find in Exodus 32?
  16. How does Daniel in chapter 5 of his book demonstrate problem solving ability?
  17. What does Donald Schon in his book “Educating the Reflective Practitione” say about the problems of the high ground and the swamp?
  18. In his book on biblical leadership, what did Lynn Anderson discuss about the commitment of shepherds to their work?
  19. Fill in the blanks: “Leaders are shepherds, ________ and equippers – all of these descriptions demand ________. A leader’s authority does not come from title or ________; it comes from character, _________ and a willingness to _________ in other people’s lives.”
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Leadership Qualities: Purpose and Passion
(download PDF)
  1. What sometimes happens as we move through life thinking we can’t miss it?
  2. Why can remembering the days of idealistic youth be so depressing?
  3. “Is it too late to rectify an error in judgment?”
  4. Recite Proverbs 19:20.
  5. Fill in the blanks: “God has revealed _________ about life; the Bible is a _________of sorts, a _________to living, the _________of a well-built life and a _________through the maze of confusion that our days often resemble.”
  6. Recite Philippians 3:7-9.
  7. What was Paul’s purpose and passion?
  8. What does Benjamin Hunnicutt, an authority on the history of work at the University of Iowa, say about work having become our new religion?
  9. Fill in the blanks: “We must be ever watchful to keep our _________ (something we do for God) from becoming a _________ (something which threatens to become god).”
  10. “When we stand before God and hear him ask the question, ‘Why should I let you into heaven?’ what will we say?”
  11. What is the Greek word “skubala”?
  12. “Does Scripture reveal God’s intention when he created humans who bear his image? If so, how can we discover God’s deep passion and participate in it?”
  13. Recite Isaiah 55:8-9.
  14. Recite 1 Corinthians 13:12.
  15. “Basically, the difference between God and human beings is greater than that between angels and insects.” Explain.
  16. Recite Ephesians 3:2-11.
  17. Recite 1 John 4:10.
  18. Recite 2 Peter 3:9.
  19. Recite Romans 8:29.
  20. What does 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 say about developing an eternal perspective?
  21. Fill in the blanks: “If we take God’s eternal ________ and invest it in eternal ________, then we’re leveraging the _________ for eternity.”
  22. Fill in the blank: “_________ are the currency of heaven.”
  23. What does Caleb’s story in Joshua 14:6-14 tell us about passion and enthusiasm? What was the key to his life?
  24. Brennan Manning, in his book The Lion and the Lamb, writes about two ways of discerning our passion and purpose. What are these ways?
  25. “What are the primary motivations in our lives?”
  26. What is the relationship between vision and strategy?
  27. How does satisfaction come?
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Leadership Qualities: Rewards (download PDF)
  1. How did Miss Watson try to make a Christian out of Huckleberry Finn in Mark Twain’s novel?
  2. What does Mark Buchanan say about how we can become heavenly-minded?
  3. Recite 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  4. Fill in the blank: “People are motivated by ________.”
  5. Recite 1 Corinthians 15:58.
  6. How does Hebrews 11 prove that people are motivated by rewards?
  7. “Theologically speaking, there appear to be four categories of rewards given to faithful believers.” What are these categories?
  8. What did A.W. Tozer say about a Christian and his desires?
  9. Fill in the blanks: “Effective leaders understand the human need for ________, and they make use of ________ and ________ to lift morale and improve performance. A reward can be as simple and effective as regular ________ or as extensive and long-range as a ________ program.”
  10. Why is the biblical portrait of God in both Testaments quite the opposite of a cosmic Scrooge?
  11. What was God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:10-14?
  12. What does Hebrews 11:6 say about rewards?
  13. What do Ezekiel 18:23 and Ezekiel 33:11 say about what God enjoys and hates?
  14. What are God’s challenge and choice stated in Deuteronomy 30:19?
  15. What does 2 Corinthians 5:10 say about motivation and rewards?
  16. Fill in the blanks: “We may be able to ________ our way through life, but we’ll all ________ in front of God.”
  17. What does James 1:12 say about perseverance and reward?
  18. What did C.S. Lewis say in his marvelous sermon “The Weight of Glory” about the problem not being that we want so much but that we settle for too little”?
  19. Fill in the blanks: “In comparison to what God wants to give us, the best this world can offer is ________, ________ and tinsel.”
  20. What issues are bundled with the subject of compensation?
  21. What does 1 Kings 9:4-5 say about the biblical principle of rewards?
  22. “The real reason why heaven is insufficient motivation for many is because we lack the imagination and mental categories necessary to grasp what the Bible promises us.” Do you agree or not with this statement?
  23. How did C.S. Lewis in his book “Mere Christianity” answer people who were skeptical about heaven?
  24. What is Richard Adams’novel “Watership Down” all about?
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Leadership Qualities: Self-Discipline (download PDF)
  1. What answer did Mischa Elman, one of the greatest violinists of the twentieth century, give to the tourist’s question about how to get to Carnegie Hall?
  2. What did Gary Player do on a daily basis to become one of the most successful international golfers of all time?
  3. What did Octavia Butler say about the difference between inspiration and habit in becoming a successful writer?
  4. How did Eugene Peterson define steady obedience?
  5. Fill in the blanks: “Enthusiasm does not make up for ________. Exuberance doesn’t translate into a single point on the scoreboard. Seven days of hurrah and whoop-de-do will never compensate for lack of ________, conditioning, ________, coaching, experience and ________.”
  6. How does Dallas Willard in his book “Renovation of the Heart” use the acronym V.I.M. to discuss the simplicity of discipleship?
  7. What does Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 emphasize about self-discipline?
  8. Fill in the blanks: “Life is a _________. And in the marathon, it’s not how you ________, it’s how you ________ that matters most.”
  9. From the example of boxers and runners, why do our enthusiasm and passion eventually give way to fatigue?
  10. “Paul trained for his daily spiritual journey like a world-class athlete. Why?”
  11. As effective leaders, what are the habits you need to build into your life so you can lead with diligence?
  12. “Power without restraint is frightening.” Explain.
  13. What does Jeremiah 18:1-12 say about God’s offer despite the spiritual and moral rebellion of his people?
  14. What do Numbers 14:18; Psalm 103:8,2 Peter 3:9 say about God’s patience and forbearance?
  15. What are the qualities of an effective leader?
  16. What was Paul’s advice in 2 Timothy 1:7?
  17. What is the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23?
  18. What does Jerry Vines say about gaining self-control?
  19. What is a simple definition of self-discipline?
  20. Fill in the blanks: “Success in leadership often comes by simply doing what no one else is willing to do: _________ it out, _________ an opinion, _________ a decision when everyone else is paralyzed by uncertainty.”
  21. How does the wife and mother in Proverbs 31:10-31 exhibit self-discipline and leadership? What are her character traits?
  22. What specific advice about self-discipline do Henry Cloud and John Townsend offer in their book “Boundaries”?
  23. Why do we need to place boundaries around our lives?
  24. What are Solomon’s warnings about self-discipline in Proverbs 18:24 and 22:24?
  25. How are our associations influencing factors in shaping our character, particularly in our youth?
  26. What are toxic relationships? What should we do about them?
  27. What are the two extremes to be avoided in acting to change our relationships?
  28. Why should leaders establish boundaries on a daily basis?
  29. What are the consequences if we really believed 2 Timothy 1:7?
  30. Why do we put on a false bravado, do and say things we know aren’t part of who we are or who we are called to be?
  31. Is self-discipline simply a matter of trying harder?
  32. What does John Ortberg say about difference between piloting a motorboat or a sailboat with regards spiritual transformation?
  33. “How willing are we to live as if the Bible is true, even when our feelings run contrary to what Scripture would have us do?”
  34. What are the three questions to ask ourselves if we want to be people who have a genuine sense of calling and purpose?
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Leadership Qualities: Situational Leadership (download PDF)
  1. What is Gene Getz’s humorous e-mail from the “Jordan Management Consultants” all about?
  2. In 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, what is the kind of people God chooses?
  3. To what did Jesus adapt his leadership activity?
  4. Fill in the blank: “Effectiveness in leadership is driven by what followers ________.”
  5. Fill I the blanks: “Leaders who can ________ a situation and ________ their leadership activity to address it can function as _________ leaders and as _________ leaders, and they can profoundly affect the lives of their followers.”
  6. How does Exodus 32:1-33:23 prove that God is not surprised by anything and holds the future in his hands?
  7. How did Moses exemplify situational leadership? What were the effects of his leadership on the Israelites?
  8. What is a Doris Day theology?
  9. What did Oswald Chambers say about the “stupidity” of prayer?
  10. If God is sovereign, does it mean we are not responsible or that our choices do not matter?
  11. What are the seven last words of a dying church?
  12. What do 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 and Colossians 4:5-6 say about Paul’s flexibility?
  13. What is the problem with most evangelistic tools used by churches? Is the same true with corporate training?
  14. How did Paul treat Titus and Timothy from a situational leadership perspective?
  15. What does situational leadership require?
  16. In Exodus 17:8-15, how did Moses invest in Joshua’s development? For how long did Moses prepare Joshua for leadership?
  17. How does situational leadership define “intelligent” action? How do effective leaders treat their followers?
  18. What do we need to revise, our vision or our plans?
  19. According to Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson, how can a leader be consistent?
  20. In chapters 4-6 of his book, how did Nehemiah demonstrate mastery of a wide spectrum of leadership skills?
  21. What are the three activities that provided Nehemiah with both the stability and flexibility to accomplish his goal?
  22. Fill in the blanks: “Prayer puts criticism into its proper _________. Held up to the unlimited _________ and wisdom of God, your critics lose their ________. Anxiety shrinks and _________ is rejuvenated. Prayers help us _________ criticism from God’s perspective and address our critics with _________ and wisdom.”
  23. Rather than evaluating his own potential, what did Nehemiah do?
  24. What must “leaders understand about the delicate balance between walking by faith and leading strategically”? How did Nehemiah exemplify this understanding?
  25. “Never confuse your plans with God’s vision.” Explain.
  26. How did Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, exemplify knowing the difference between a vision and plans?
  27. Fill in the blanks: “We can afford to be _________ about the overall vision; but we must be _________ about our strategies and plans.”
  28. “Why would a company that has been involved in word processing software for nearly 30 years spend so much time gathering suggestions from people who can’t write one line of code?”
  29. What will keep us from adapting our strategies in fulfilling our vision?
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Leadership Qualities: Stewardship (download PDF)
  1. What differentiates people with regards time?
  2. Fill in the blanks: “We can ________ time; we can _________ time; or we can _________ our time wisely.”
  3. What is stewardship all about?
  4. Who are the two parties involved in every stewardship relationship?
  5. What does Michael Novak say about the source of our personalities, talents, or longings?
  6. What is the fundamental principle of biblical stewardship? What are the two implications of this principle?
  7. What are the variables in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30?
  8. Fill in the blanks: “He will _________ diligence and faithfulness; he will ________ laziness.”
  9. What is sloth from Greco-Roman standards and the Judeo-Christian worldview?
  10. What do Psalm 104:1, 5, 13-16, 20-21, 24, 27-30 extol?
  11. What does Psalm 113:5-6 say about our God?
  12. What are the parallel thoughts in 1 Corinthians 8:6?
  13. Fill in the blanks: “Jesus owns us both by virtue of _________ and of _________. He is the source of both our _________ and spiritual lives. Humans are the _________ of God’s created order, but we are still part of that created order.”
  14. What are the practical implications of the truth that God owns us?
  15. What are the mutually exclusive propositions with regards man as a free agent and God as Creator?
  16. “When people start believing that they are meaningless accidents, human life becomes cheap.” What are the implications?
  17. What does Genesis 1:28-30 say about man’s accountability for the world’s resources?
  18. What is “The Cultural Mandate”?
  19. What does Greg Johnson in his book “The World According to God” say about dominion?
  20. Does the parable in Luke 16:1-9 encourage dishonesty? What is the purpose of this parable as found in Luke 15:1-2?
  21. In Jesus’ day, what were two primary words for “wisdom”?
  22. Fill in the blanks: “We tend to confuse being spiritual with being _________ or _________.”
  23. “We who are children of light must use our power, resources and abilities to prepare for eternity.” What are the two ways we can do this?
  24. How does Joseph, in Genesis 39:1-41:57, exemplify shrewdness in stewardship?
  25. Why should people be a leader’s major stewardship focus?
  26. What is the real issue of stewardship?
  27. What is the ultimate question or decision that we will have to face on a daily basis?
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Leadership Qualities: Stress Management (download PDF)
  1. Why does Richard Swenson, in his book Margin, describe the society in which we live as “troubled”?
  2. Why do some people carry stress around like a badge of honor?
  3. Where does much of the stress in our lives come from?
  4. How does Dr. Rodney L. Cooper in his book “Shoulder to Shoulder” define stress?
  5. Why did King Saul, in 1 Samuel 18:6-11, suffer from stress after David had killed Goliath?
  6. What was one of Saul’s shortcomings as a leader?
  7. Fill in the blanks: “In the __________ of Life, stress and affliction are not _________ courses; they’re a _________ part of the curriculum.”
  8. What is the real issue with stress and circumstances?
  9. How do effective leaders view stressful situations?
  10. What is the correlation between the physical and the spiritual?
  11. What does Hebrews 5:7-8 say about Christ’s response to stress and suffering?
  12. What does John 12:27-28 say about how Christ managed stress with dignity and integrity?
  13. In 1 Peter 2:21-24, what are the three aspects Jesus’ suffering which are examples for us to follow?
  14. Fill in the blanks: “We must also diligently maintain a willing _________ to his purpose, even when it carries us in directions we do not wish to go. We must maintain an _________ resolve to stay the course and _________ in the face of discomfort.”
  15. From a Biblical perspective, what is the nature and value of work?
  16. What do Doug Sherman and William Hendricks in their book “Your Work Matters to God” say about God’s perspective on our work?
  17. What was God’s original intention for work?
  18. What does Ecclesiastes 3:13 say about toiling or work?
  19. What is the middle position about work that Ecclesiastes 2 states?
  20. What does Revelation 22:3 say about heaven?
  21. What are the four principles that Paul teaches in Philippians 4:4-9 about how to turn pressure to our advantage?
  22. Fill in the blank: “Stress avoidance doesn’t mean _________ avoidance.”
  23. “On the night before his crucifixion, he told his disciples that he had so much peace that he could afford to give some to them (John 14:27; 15:11). On what should have been the most stressful night of his life, he demonstrated an astonishing level of poise and inner calm.” How was he able to endure such a high level of pressure as stated in Hebrews 12:2-3?
  24. Fill in the blanks: “_________ God, _________ to his leadership, eliminates stress and brings us rest.”
  25. Recite Psalm 23.
  26. What are some helpful advice for leaders who are compelled to manage
  27. Stress, according to Fred Smith in his article “Dissecting Sense from Nonsense: Insights from a Layman” from Leadership Journal?
  28. What is the reason for the Fourth Commandment?
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Leadership Qualities: Structure and Organization
(download PDF)
  1. Why is structure crucial?
  2. Why do some entrepreneurs insist on working alone?
  3. How does Exodus 18:1-27 prove that organization and structure can be necessary?
  4. What were the three facets in the plan Jethro proposed to Moses?
  5. Effective leaders create a structure that nurtures the health of those they lead.” Explain.
  6. Fill in the blanks: “A strong leader is _________ and _________ to allow others to tweak the structure of his or her organization, if doing so will strengthen it. No matter how _________ we may think we are, we should remain __________ to advice from others – even unlikely people.”
  7. “The cosmos is a universe, not a multiverse.” Explain.
  8. What are the structure, beauty and harmony of heaven as stated in Revelation 4:2-11 and Revelation 5:11-14?
  9. Compare Ephesians 1:21, 3:10 and 6:12.
  10. What does Luder G. Whitlock, Jr. in his book “The Spiritual Quest” say about God’s omnipotence and creativity in the creation of the universe?
  11. What does 1 Corinthians 14 say about structure and organization in the church?
  12. What was the pattern for worship in the early church order? What was included to prevent disorder and confusion?
  13. Why are organizations important? How can organizations be obstacles at times?
  14. How does Numbers 11:10-17 illustrate how structure should serve rather than dominate an enterprise?
  15. How does the Bible address structure?
  16. Why are the Bible’s instructions about organization often intentionally non-specific?
  17. Fill in the blanks: “Structure exists to _________ resources of power and information to _________ through an organization. Organizational structure is not _________ or set in concrete. If it doesn’t work anymore, it should be _________.”
  18. What is more important than the leader’s specific place on a chart?
  19. “Scripture doesn’t provide us with any rock-solid systems for organizational structure. Why?”
  20. In Israel, as in the church and any other enterprise, why does the structure exist?
  21. Kennon Callahan in his book “Effective Church Leadership” offers five criteria for building an organizational structure that promotes mission endeavors. What are they?
  22. “If not carefully examined, structure can become an end unto itself.” Explain.
  23. The Carroll Street Bridge in Brooklyn, New York, built in 1889, was the nation’s first retractable bridge. How did its repair in the mid-1980s illustrate that sometimes, how things are done can become more important than what is done?
  24. Up to what point is structure good? What should we do once we reach that point?
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Leadership Qualities: Systems Thinking (download PDF)
  1. What is the story about conductor Sir Michael Costa, the orchestra and the piccolo player all about?
  2. What is the point Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:12-17 makes about the body?
  3. What does the Greek word “soma” mean?
  4. What is the reason God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it?
  5. Fill in the blanks: “The church is an _________, bound together in a _________ fashion. The various parts of the body work together, in a _________ manner, to such a degree that there is no way of __________ between the larger whole and the smaller parts. The ________ is greater than the sum of the parts.”
  6. As leaders, how should we view every member of our team?
  7. Based on Ephesians 4:15, how can we balance between truth and love?
  8. What is the key component to systemic maturity?
  9. What is the purpose of spiritual gifts?
  10. What does Colossians 1:15-20 say about the whole of creation being a system that is ordered and sustained by Christ?
  11. Why do Randall Harris and Rubel Shelly refer to the church as “the second incarnation”?
  12. What are some interesting facts about the star Betelgeuse?
  13. “If God is a systems thinker, in what ways can you, having been created in his image and likeness, develop this same skill?”
  14. Why does Greg Johnson in his book “The World According to God”, say that “Science, like theology, is the study of what God is doing in creation”?
  15. How has God designed organic systems?
  16. In John 15:1-8, what is the spiritual truth that Jesus illustrates?
  17. Fill in the blanks: “When individuals function from a standpoint of ________ and __________, cooperation evaporates. Whether in a family, church or business, when team members are out of alignment, _________ rules.”
  18. What is one of the greatest temptations a leader faces?
  19. What do systems involve?
  20. What did Calvin Miller say about servant leaders?
  21. How does Jonah 1:1-15 illustrate the need to think in terms of systems?
  22. What does Leith Anderson say about twenty-first century leaders?
  23. In Nehemiah 2:1-9, how did Nehemiah exemplify his unique ability to solve complex problems? From where did this ability come from?
  24. What were the two elements of systems thinking that made a difference for Nehemiah?
  25. Fill in the blanks: “Lead without being manipulative or _________; maintain your ________ at all costs; resolve _________ in person; believe the ________ in others.”
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Leadership Qualities: Team Building (download PDF)
  1. “The long-term attraction of a good orchestra is not its solos, but its symphony.” Explain.
  2. What skill must a great leader know and have? How does 2 Samuel 23:8-12 exemplify this skill? What things stand out in the way David pulled his team together?
  3. What is the inspirational story of Don Bennett and how does it prove that we cannot do it alone?
  4. Fill in the blanks: “One who attempts _________ feats had better be capable of recruiting a mighty team of _________ and able participants.”
  5. In 2 Samuel 23:13-17, why did David pour out the water that his three mighty warriors risked their lives for?
  6. Recite Romans 8:31.
  7. How does Acts 2:42-47 prove that the early church worked as a team?
  8. “The three persons of the Godhead are never independent but always work together in concert.” How is this proven in Genesis 1:1 and Ephesians 1:3-14?
  9. How does an orchestra tune itself?
  10. Fill in the blanks: “Jesus Christ is our guiding _________. His _________ sounded the concert pitch for all of us. As we _________ to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, we find our own instruments coming more and more into the same ________ as Jesus. As a byproduct of this, we find that we are all in ________ with one another as well.”
  11. “If two horses can pull 9,000 pounds, how many pounds can four horses pull?”
  12. What are synergy and synergism?
  13. How can a team function well?
  14. What is the way to turn the world upside down?
  15. Is the church an organization or an organism?
  16. Fill in the blanks: “We live in an _________ culture, but we are called to be people in __________. We are not called to be the ________ of God but the people of God.”
  17. What does “Maranatha” mean?
  18. According to an old folk parable, why is a man willing to plant shade trees even though he knows he will never enjoy the shade?
  19. How can we see a great example of the relationship between synergy, mentoring and teambuilding in sports?
  20. “By choosing a tax collector, Jesus demonstrated two important principles of team building.” What are these principles?
  21. What does the Hebrew word for tax collector (mokhes) stand for?
  22. How do we accomplish building a team, based on Matthew 16:13-20?
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Leadership Qualities: The Learning Organization (download PDF)
  1. What is “The Parable of the Cave” by Greek philosopher Plato all about?
  2. Why do a lot of good ideas never get off the ground? How is this illustrated with what happened to the Swiss watch industry?
  3. What is the biggest barrier to organizational Reengineering?
  4. What is the problem with America’s business world as it entered the 21st century?
  5. How do we become dull and insensitive?
  6. In Joshua 2:7-14, how did the succeeding generations of Israelites respond after Joshua’s death?
  7. What is the cycle repeated seven times throughout the book of Judges?
  8. Fill in the blanks: “Sin is boring and _________. God’s righteousness brings freedom and ________. Sin is ________ and destructive; righteousness is ________ and constructive.”
  9. What kind of atmosphere do effective leaders try to create in their organizations and teams?
  10. How does God give us greater illumination?
  11. The prophets Isaiah and Daniel did not understand a lot of their prophecies. How does Peter try to explain this in 1 Peter 1:10-12?
  12. What does Paul say in Romans 15:41 and Corinthians 10:11 about the reasons for past events written in the Bible?
  13. What was God’s message to the Israelites in Zechariah 1:2-6?
  14. What does Dr. Walt Kaiser, President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, say about the importance of receptivity to God’s word?
  15. Fill in the blanks: “Continuous _________ requires continuous ________.”
  16. What five marvelous insights into the concept of growth through learning can we learn from Colossians 1:9-10?
  17. What does Robertson McQuilkin write in his book “Life in the Spirit” about this upward spiral?
  18. What did learning theorist John M. Carroll in his book “The Nurnberg Funnel”say about modern instructional methods?
  19. According to Carroll, what are the assumptions of the worldview called “Instructivism”?
  20. What is our primary challenge during our early years? During our middle years? During our later years?
  21. What lessons can we learn about process of learning and growing and gaining insight can we learn from Josiah’s example in 2 Chronicles 34?
  22. How does a “Climate of Openness” help organizations to learn and grow?
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Leadership Qualities: Values (download PDF)

  1. Why are values essential to effective leadership?
  2. What are core values in business?
  3. How did King David demonstrate value-driven behavior in Psalm 15?
  4. “As you examine your own life, what values do you see as driving your behavior?”
  5. What were Habakkuk’s questions or complaints about the goodness of God? What did he learn in chapter 3 verses 17-18 of his book?
  6. What did the couple in the story about Rembrandt learn about judging what we do not understand?
  7. “God’s moral structures and values are built into the created order.” Explain using Romans 2:14-16 and C. S. Lewis book “Mere Christianity”.
  8. What does Christian counselor Larry Hall say about why moral consistency eludes us?
  9. What are God’s eternal values?
  10. “Righteousness is always realized within the context of relationships.” Explain.
  11. “Sometimes ‘values’ get in the way of valuable decisions.” Explain.
  12. What is the first step in effective leadership?
  13. What did Jesus tell his disciples about what the core value, the driving value, the eternal value is?
  14. “Paul had a proper philosophy of death, and this gave rise to his proper philosophy of life.” Explain.
  15. What do Hackman and Johnson, in their book Leadership, say about what “value” is? What are the two types of values?
  16. How can we endure great hardships and trials?
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Leadership Qualities: Vision (download PDF)
  1. What happened in the October 7, 1916 football game between Georgia Tech and Cumberland College?
  2. Why is it easy to lose hope?
  3. Who are the folks who tenaciously refuse to give up?
  4. What do 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 say about the Apostle Paul’s attitude towards not giving up hope and about vision and perspective?
  5. Why should we base out outlook on the Bible rather than any other book or publication?
  6. What is wisdom?
  7. What happened in Mark Buchanan’s camping experience?
  8. Why is vision important in effective leadership?
  9. What was Paul’s vision in 2 Corinthians 12:1-6? in Romans 15:23-24?
  10. How does the world tell us we can find our place in this world?
  11. What are the fundamental questions in life?
  12. What do Revelation 21:1-7 say about the glorious consummation of all things?
  13. “If we live with more integrity — if we allow our belief in God's promises to really affect the way we order our steps — we will become more visionary.” Explain.
  14. What do 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 say about our unseen reality and hope?
  15. How does John Ortberg describe the view of heaven many people have?
  16. What is another misconception of heaven that we have?
  17. What did the men and women described in Hebrews 11 understand about themselves?
  18. Why did Moses not lose heart?
  19. “To be people whose vision for this life is compatible with God's purposes, we must develop a passion for the things God calls important.” How?
  20. What sets a person apart as a leader?
  21. How does Elisha, one of God’s great prophets, provide an essential principle for the visionary leader?
  22. What is truth?
  23. What does Leith Anderson remind leaders using the example of the bumblebee?
  24. What do visionary leaders believe about the way God guides?
  25. What is vision according to Burt Nanus?
  26. Where do personal visions of leaders originate?
  27. “Leaders need to be sure their vision is consistent with God's purposes.” Explain.
  28. What is the story of Leonard Sweet and the small, wounded bird that wandered onto the highway all about?
  29. What must visionary leaders learn about pleasure and long-term gain?
  30. How do we discover real joy and pleasure?
  31. How can we learn to be willing to suffer, wait, endure and stand firm in the face of pain, confusion and adversity?
  32. Where does personal vision come from according to Doug Banister?

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Leadership Qualities: Wisdom (download PDF)

  1. What does Colin Smith’s visit to Durham Cathedral say about the difference between wisdom and folly?
  2. What is wisdom?
  3. What does the Hebrew word “hokma” mean? How is its used in reference to Bezalel? How did Solomon use the word?
  4. What is the entire theme of the book of Proverbs?
  5. What did Malcolm Muggeridge say about what every happening can teach us?
  6. “In Proverbs 8 wisdom is portrayed as a woman calling out for all to embrace her.” What does she claim?
  7. What does Bill Hybels in his book Making Life Work” say about fools?
  8. What are the secret and the source of wisdom according to Job?
  9. What does it mean to honor God’s name according to Rubel Shelly?
  10. “Fearing the Lord relates to trust, humility, teachability, servanthood, responsiveness, gratitude and reliance on God; it is the exact opposite of autonomy and arrogance.” Explain.
  11. What ability is included in wisdom?
  12. Why are “many of us like the CEO who was visited by an angel right in the middle of a board meeting”?
  13. “If God (or a messenger from God) approached you and offered to grant you one wish, what would it be?”
  14. Why is the wisdom of Christ very different from the wisdom of this world?
  15. What do Proverbs 1:20-33 say about the pain of ignoring wisdom?
  16. What is the God-given shortcut to wisdom?
  17. What does James Emery White say about objectivity and wisdom?
  18. What is the critical principle of wisdom?
  19. “Leadership without wisdom will do more harm than good.” Explain.
  20. Why is Biblical wisdom so essential to the godly leader according to John Piper?
  21. Why is wisdom more important than knowledge or information?
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